Mission and Vision

AMS Committee on Hydrology’s Vision:
The AMS Committee on Hydrology aspires to unite the fields of hydrology and hydrometeorology, inclusive of various disciplines and career stages, to facilitate knowledge sharing, foster collaboration, advance the sciences, and catalyze the development of societal adaptation to a changing environment. We further aim to enhance understanding of the physical processes and impacts of anthropogenically-induced environmental change. Relevant topics of interest include (but are not limited to): subsurface/surface hydrologic processes, land-atmosphere interactions, snow and ice processes, hydrometeorological extremes, remote sensing and other observational methods, and operational hydrology.

AMS Committee on Hydrology’s Mission:
The AMS Committee on Hydrology is dedicated to achieving our vision through the following activities:

  • Organize meetings and conferences that enable the respectful sharing of hydrology-relevant research from diverse presenters.
  • Provide support, recognition, and opportunities for individuals interested in hydrology/hydrometeorology (including students and early-career professionals).
  • Formally award and recognize substantial contributions to the field.
  • Foster an inclusive, equitable, and diverse community.
  • Facilitate cross-discipline exchanges of information to strengthen connections between  research, engineering, and applied science.