Audience & Objectives

Audience & Objectives
Important Notice: Project Ocean will not be offered for Summer 2025 while we find a new source of funding for the course and plan for future offerings. We anticipate that the next time this course will be offered is in Summer 2027. Please feel free to read over these pages to better understand what Project Ocean is about. Please note, however, that specific details of how the course is conducted are subject to change.

Also, you are welcome to check out our other two summer courses (Project Atmosphere and Project Ice), which will be running in Summer 2025 (more information on the 2025 offerings will be available later this fall).

Audience: K-12 teachers and supervisors of science curriculum who teach or supervise the teaching of units with significant oceanography content.

Am I eligible to apply? Check here

Objectives: Project Ocean is directed toward improving teacher effectiveness in generating interest and understandings in science, technology, and mathematics among K-12 students.

Project Ocean is intended to:

  1. introduce teachers to the physical foundations of selected oceanographic topics and issues
  2. explore and identify ways in which these understandings and concepts can be employed in school curriculum
  3. prepare course participants to conduct training sessions on selected oceanography topics and issues for teachers in their local community
  4. support training sessions held by these teachers, on a continuing basis, with instructional resource materials, scientific guidance, and opportunities to interact with professionals in the oceanography field
  5. facilitate interdisciplinary and cross institutional networking opportunities and leverage the existing institutional connections between AMS, U.S. Navy, and St. Mary's College of Maryland.