The Henry T. Harrison Award for Outstanding Contributions by a Consulting Meteorologist

The Henry T. Harrison Award for Outstanding Contributions by a Consulting Meteorologist


The Henry T. Harrison Award for Outstanding Contributions by a Consulting Meteorologist was established to recognize a consulting meteorologist for outstanding contributions to the profession, clients, and society. Nominees should demonstrate expertise in weather or climate and their applications, adherence to ethical behavior, and a high level of service to clients and/or the weather and climate enterprise.

The Board for Certified Consulting Meteorologists makes a recommendation to the AMS Commissioner on Professional Affairs who makes a recommendation for final approval by the AMS Council.

Henry T. Harrison (1904–1991)

Henry T. Harrison accompanied Rear Adm. Richard E. Byrd on his first Antarctic expedition in 1929-30, where he studied weather conditions.  Prior to the expedition, Harrison was a meteorologist with the United States Weather Bureau in Cleveland for several years.

He then joined United Airlines as chief meteorologist and head of the department in Chicago and Denver.  He remained with United for more than 30 years, working with other airlines to develop airborne radar for avoiding severe weather.  He retired in 1964, but continued conducting weather studies for the airline until the late 1960's.

Harrison, a native of the District of Columbia, was a self-taught meteorologist.  He was an Army lieutenant colonel in World War II, and was a weather forecaster at the Yalta Conference in 1945.

Harrison was named the first AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) in 1957.