
Members on Call: Mike Nelson, Paul Gross, Maureen McCann, Katy Morgan, Alana Nehring, Michael Page, Elisa Raffa, Hannah Strong

Call Began 2:10 EST

Mike's term as chair is ending, Amber Sullins and Alana will take over as co-chairs.


Amber, Elisa and Mike will be at the AMS meeting in Phoenix in January.


Michael Page and Elisa each produced various segments on the recently released climate assessment:



Discussed climate change deniers and social media trolls.


Mike asked about school talks and how do we address climate change with kids.  Alana talked about explaining to kids what's happening and how they can help.  Paul doesn't address it with elementary kids but focuses on it heavily with middle and high schoolers keeping it strictly to science, no politics.  He also warns the students that some parents might have a problem with the subject.  Mike first talks about weather then wraps up the talk with global warming, keeping it simple/basic.  He encourages kids to ask their parents about it when they get home.  If the parents have any issues, he urges them to contact Mike directly to discuss more.


Elisa observed that local coverage of climate stories get significantly less push-back from viewers versus national stories.  Perhaps when a familiar face explains climate change, viewers are much more likely to listen.


Invite Harvey Leonard to talk at AMS 100 in Boston, Mike will reach out.


SSC sessions in June and then January.  Paul suggested a talk on earthquakes considering the recent Alaska quake.  Katy suggested a talk on addressing climate change with younger audiences and handling trolls.


Katy volunteered to help put together SSC session for June conference.


Check with broadcast board AJ Fox and Irene Sans regarding how much time we get for a session.  Abstracts are open for San Diego.  Boston planning already underway, contact Cheryl Nelson for more information.


Discussed future nominations for fellow.


Paul might be able to put together paper on social media coverage of big storm for San Diego session.


Next call January 14th 2pm EST


Call Ended 2:44 pm EST