
May 30, 2023 AMS Station Scientists Committee meeting notes: 

McCall, the president of the SSE, started by sharing what is happening to many meteorologists in our business. She’s decided to take a job outside of TV and will be working for Keep America Beautiful as their director of corporate communications. 

We voted on the award for excellence in science reporting by a broadcast meteorologist. We did not post our winner in Minutes so it will remain a secret until the winner is revealed. 

We discussed the AMS weather band. It's a club that's targeting everything from ham radio operators to Boy Scout troop members. It's for the nonprofessional weather enthusiast. They've had several webinars the past two years. At the broadcast conference, we’d like to get more people involved. 

At the conference Weather Band is giving a talk on what other broadcast meteorologists do and what they're facing in countries around the world. It's interesting. The speakers are from Ireland, Slovenia, and Barcelona. It's going to be a fascinating webinar. The talk is Wednesday, the 21st of June and it's at 12:30pm. Phoenix time. 

We discussed some of the details about the AMS broadcast conference and the station scientists’ portion of it. We mentioned our progress on getting Ginger Zee to be our featured speaker at the conference. 

We discussed back up speakers in case Ginger can’t make it. 

We ended with wanting to make sure we are giving our attendees the tools they need so they feel comfortable reporting on climate change. Hearst corporation is big on this. It’s a new initiative that they're doing for reporters to cover ways that local companies are doing carbon capturing or reducing plastic etc. Stories in their community that people would find interesting and ways that these companies are highlighting climate change and renewable energy and Going Green in their local community.