
Members on call: Mike Nelson, Bill Alexander, Meredith Garofalo, Bob Lindmeier, Chris Michaels, Alana Nehring, Michael Page, Elisa Raffa, Hannah Strong

Call began 2pm EST

Mike welcomed everyone on the call including new members joining the committee in 2018.  Gave a brief overview of the Station Scientist Committee and discussed the presence of the committee at future AMS meetings.

New members introduced themselves: Meredith Garofalo with Weather Nation, Hannah Strong with WDRB in Louisville, KY, Chris Michaels with WCYB in Tri Cities TN/VA, Bob Lindmeier with WKOW in Madison, WI, and Elisa Raffa with KOLR in Springfield, MO.

Discussed options for sharing information and ideas within the committee.  Facebook page will be the new method for committee members to communicate between bi-monthly calls.

Mike talked about a project he's working on with his local NWS in Denver; a climate seminar.  All local broadcasters will be invited to a neutral location to spend a few hours listening to invited speakers Kevin Trenberth and Scott Denning as well as discussion regarding climate change.

Alana requested a short paragraph description and photo from new committee members.

Chris Michaels suggested doing a monthly google hangout so viewers can interact with the committee.

Call ended 2:25pm EST