Poster Presenter Information

We encourage all authors to reference the AMS Abstract Authors and Presenters page for general information about presenting at an AMS meeting.

All posters will be located in the Green Mountain Ballroom of the Hilton Burlington.

Poster Session Set-Up, Viewing, and Tear-Down Schedule:

Poster #

Set Up After:


Poster Session

Tear Down By*

Odd #

Mon. at Noon

Mon. 2:30-3:15PM

Mon. 5–6:15PM

Fri. at 10:30AM

Even #

Mon. at Noon

Tues. 3-3:45PM

Tues. 5–6:15PM

Fri. at 10:30AM

* Note that AMS is not responsible for posters not removed by the tear down time.

While Poster Presenters are expected to stand by their poster, ready to present, during the Preview AND Poster Session time on their presentation day (Odd Numbers on Monday; Even Numbers on Tuesday), you may leave your poster up all week.  All coffee breaks will take place in the Green Mountain Ballroom from Monday afternoon to Friday morning.

Poster authors may upload a .pdf of their poster image to the AMS website by following these steps:

1. Go to

2. Enter your paper ID and password

3. Click on “presentation upload”

4. Browse to your .pdf and click “upload .pdf”

Please note that while laptop tables are available by request (please email [email protected] to request a table), poster presenters will not have access to electrical outlets and internet access will be limited in the poster areas.

Don't want to carry your poster with you to Burlington?  Ship it directly or have it printed at the nearby FedEx Office: Located .5 mi from the Hilton Burlington.

Also, please remember to register for the conference if you have not done so already. Please note that the $95 abstract fee you have already paid does NOT include registration for the conference.