Terms of Reference

a. Membership: Comprising nine to twelve voting members as determined by the Council, including:

  • a Chair, appointed by the Council
  • a member of the Publications Commission to be recommended for a three-year term
  • a member of the Commission on Professional Affairs to be recommended for a three-year term
  • at-large members who have demonstrated experience, commitment, and/or interest in issues related to ethical and professional conduct

The chair and at-large members will serve three-year terms, with rotating terms expiring at the end of each annual business meeting, and may be reappointed for one additional term.

For members from the Publications and Professional Affairs Commissions: If their term within the Commission ends before their term on the Committee of Ethics, they will become at-large members until their three-year term ends, and the relevant Commission may recommend a new member from that Commission for a three-year term.

b. Responsibilities: To promote high standards of professional conduct by both members of the Society and those who participate in Society activities in all professional settings. To fulfill its responsibilities, the Committee shall: (1) advise the Council and AMS staff on ethical and professional conduct issues and concerns; (2) review and propose updates to the Policy and Procedures for AMS Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct and underlying codes, as needed; (3) develop and maintain procedures for investigating any allegation of a violation of AMS codes and guidelines for resulting sanctions; and (4) develop and sponsor policies, educational materials, and activities that foster awareness of ethical issues and promote ethical conduct across the Society.

The Committee on Ethics will not investigate, disclose, make public, act on, rule on, mediate, or arbitrate ethical complaints or alleged code violations. The Committee will report on its activities in writing at least annually to the Council.