CWWCE Terms of Reference & Organization

The Commission on the Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise (CWWCE) is charged with developing and implementing programs that address the needs and concerns of all sectors of the weather, water and climate enterprise; promote a sense of community between government entities, private sector organizations; and universities; foster synergistic linkages between and among sectors; entrain and educate user communities on the value of weather and climate information; educate policy makers on the value and operations of the enterprise; and provide appropriate venues and opportunities for communications that foster frank, open and balanced discussions on points of contention and concern. In other words, the “prime directive” of the CWWCE is to engage the government, academic, and private sectors on pressing and strategic issues on behalf of the Society. These interactions may extend to involve other AMS Commissions, the user community, and disciplines beyond that may request assistance with enterprise communication, growth and development matters. A core value of the CWWCE is to encourage early career, diverse, and student participants in Commission activities including, as appropriate, leadership positions. The CWWCE also recommends annual recipients for the Kenneth C. Spengler Award.

The CWWCE is composed of four Boards and is governed by the Commission Executive Committee chaired by the Commissioner with advice and counsel from the CWWCE Steering Committee. The Commission and its Boards may establish ad hoc committees as needed at the discretion of the Commissioner. Ad hoc Committees of the Commission or its Boards can become standing AMS Committees through approval by the AMS Council. Individual committees can create ad hoc membership teams or working groups to supplement regular committee membership through broad calls for volunteers or other means. The size of Boards and Committees normally ranges from six (6) to fifteen (15) members but may be increased on occasion upon approval by the Commissioner. The terms of all Board and Committee members are also established in the descriptions that follow and are potentially renewable.

The Commissioner is responsible for the overall execution of the Commission’s activities. He/she represents the Commission’s activities to the AMS Council; recruits and recommends new members for CWWCE leadership positions and members in general in consultation with the CWWCE leadership team. The Commissioner also approves the creation of ad hoc committees within the CWWCE and, when appropriate, recommends to the Council committees to become permanent AMS committees. As appropriate, the Commissioner acts as an ambassador of the CWWCE (and AMS) to organizations or bodies with a vested interest in CWWCE activities. The Commissioner, in consultation with the CEC, shall approve all Commission activities. The position of Commissioner is for a two-year term, preceded by a two-year term as Future Commissioner, and then followed by two years immediate Past Commissioner. Commissioners provide six full years of service. These three positions should simultaneously represent the government, academic and private sectors.

The Commission Executive Committee (CEC) is composed of the Commissioner, Past Commissioner, Future Commissioner, and Chairs of each of the four Boards. When convened (usually via recurring conference calls), the CEC works closely with key AMS HQ staff members including the AMS Executive Director, the Director of the AMS Policy Program, and the AMS Enterprise liaison. At its discretion, the CEC may invite other members of the enterprise to participate in CEC discussions. The CEC sets the strategic direction of the Commission in consultation with the Steering Committee and with the approval of the AMS Council.

The Steering Committee (SC) is composed of leaders from the weather, water and climate enterprise plus 5 non-voting members. Appointments are for three-year terms, with 1/3 of the membership changing each year. The SC is nominated by the Commissioner in consultation with the CEC and is endorsed by the Council. Standing positions include the Director of the National Weather Service, the President of the American Weather and Climate Industry Association (AWCIA), and the Executive Director of the National Weather Association (NWA). Voting members of the SC are required to be directly involved with Commission activities and for providing mentorship and guidance to CWWCE members. SC members will promote and foster synergistic linkages between and among the sectors, engage and educate user communities on the value of weather and climate information, and work with the CEC to broaden the base and ensure inclusiveness of the activities of the Enterprise

• Commissioner, Weather, Water, and Climate Enterprise

• Chair, Board on Enterprise Communication (BEC)

• Chair, Board on Enterprise Strategic Topics (BEST)

• Chair, Board on Enterprise Decision Support (BEDS)

• Chair, Board on Enterprise Economic Development (BEED)

• Seven senior members from the provider community

• Five senior members from the user community

• Four Members-at-large selected to ensure balance and diversity

• Five ex officio, Non-voting members:

o   AMS President,

o   Executive Director

o   Commissioner, Professional Affairs

o   Commissioner, Scientific and Technological Activities Commission

o   Commissioner, Education and Engagement

There are four Boards within the CWWCE and the function of each is described below.

The Board on Enterprise Communication’s (BEC) primary purpose is to facilitate open, inclusive discussions amongst the government, academic and private sectors on pressing issues facing the weather, water and climate enterprise. The BEC operates on the assumption that open, thoughtful communication can assist in identifying appropriate roles for the public, private and academic sectors and assist in developing partnerships and collaborations as appropriate. The BEC, in conjunction with AMS leadership, also can pursue communications with federal decision makers by providing information on the weather, water, and climate enterprise. The Committee on Radio Frequency Allocations, the Committee on Effective Communication of Weather and Climate Information, the Committee on Open Environmental Information Services, and the Forecast Information Group Executive Committee reside within the BEC. The BEC is responsible for planning the AMS Summer Community Meeting.

The Board on Enterprise Decision Support (BEDS): To better understand the needs of decision support users (e.g., emergency managers, businesses) and to clarify the various roles across the weather, water, and climate enterprise for decision support services. To identify opportunities for collaboration, discuss points of contention, and identify other policy-related challenges. The Committee on Emergency Management, Water Resources Committee, Climate Services Committee, and the Committee on Environmental Security reside within the BEDS.

The Board on Enterprise Economic Development (BEED): The primary purpose of the BEED is to promote growth in the economic base of the weather, water and climate enterprise. A secondary purpose of the BEED is to promote quantification of the economic value of the enterprise, including weather and climate-related risk. The Intelligent Transportation Systems & Surface Transportation Committee, the Energy Committee, the Renewable Energy Committee, and the Financial Weather/Climate Risk Management Committee reside within the BEED. The BEED is responsible for planning the annual AMS Washington Forum.

The Board on Enterprise Strategic Topics’ (BEST) primary purpose is to help determine and advance collaboration on strategic initiatives of the weather, water, and climate enterprise. The BEST considers topics for enhanced collaboration from nominations submitted by members of the community. This is a continuous process. Those topics can be addressed through various mechanisms, not limited to, the establishment of committees, the creation of white papers, panel discussions, or town halls. The Nationwide Network of Networks Committee and the Committee on Ecological Forecasting reside within the BEST along with several "ad hoc" committees that are exploring the feasibility of a full committee. The BEST serves as the commissions "pipeline" for future committees. The BEST is responsible for planning the Symposium on the Weather and Climate Enterprise during the AMS Annual Meeting.