Weather Resources

AMS Resources

AMS Glossary of Meteorology
Authoritative source with over 12,000 definitions of meteorological terms.

AMS Bookstore
Text books, science books, t-shirts, ties, scarves, and more.

Weather with a Twist
A whimsical, free, weekly newsletter about the latest in meteorological research.

United States Weather


Atmospheric data analyses and forecasts.

National Weather Service (NWS) Homepage
Source for education, advisories, maps, safety, and additional information on all NOAA/NWS products.

NOAA's nowCOAST mapping portal
Real-time coastal information and NOAA forecasts.

The Weather Channel
Providing national and local weather forecast for cities, as well as weather radar, report, and hurricane coverage.

USA Today
Local, national, and world weather forecasts and up-to-date weather stories from across the globe.

Weather Underground
Local and long-range weather forecasts, weather reports, maps, and tropical weather conditions for locations worldwide.

Raw Data, Maps, and Imagery

Hydrological Prediction Center
Surface weather systems including regional maps.

Millersville University Weather Information Center
Current real-time weather information page for weather data, maps, and imagery from Millersville University's Meteorology program.

NWS "Weather Page"
Access to National Weather Service information for the entire United States.

Ohio State University Wx Twister
Current real-time weather information page for weather data, maps, and imagery from Ohio State University's Atmospheric Sciences Program.

Penn State University e-Wall: The Electronic Map Wall
Electronic map wall with current, future, and past data from multiple model predictions produced by Penn State University.

Plymouth State Weather Center
Current real-time and archived weather information page for weather data, maps, and imagery from Plymouth State University weather program.

Storm Prediction Center
Discussions, outlooks, and predictions of the risk for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes in the contiguous United States.

Texas A&M University Department of Atmospheric Sciences Weather Interface
Metar data for any specific location from Texas A&M University's Department of Atmospheric Sciences.

The Florida State University Florida Climate Center
Florida Climate Center data, forecasts, and topic resource for both the state of Florida and national climate data.

University of Northern Iowa's STORM Project
Seeks to initiate, support, and coordinate education, service, and research activities that relate weather information in Iowa and the Midwest.

Weather Guides at the University of Illinois
Integrates current and archived weather data with multimedia instructional resources using new and innovative technologies.

Educational Resource Sites for Teachers and Students

Elementary through Middle Grades

Elementary GLOBE
Multiple science-based fictional storybook modules for students in grades K–4 to explore an aspect of the Earth system using their science skills in a variety of Earth-science topics.

Learn Science and Safety
The National Weather Service presents a fun way to teach weather science and safety through the introduction of an Owl named Owlie Skywarn.

NASA’s former Students Cloud Observations page joins forces with a new project called GLOBE to expand in cloud observations for both teachers and students.

NASA Space Place
Engaging upper-elementary-aged children in space and Earth science through interactive games, hands-on activities, fun articles, and short videos.

National Academy of Sciences' Women's Adventures in Science
A nine-volume series that showcases the accomplishments of contemporary women in science and highlights for young people the varied and intriguing careers of scientists.

NOAA Kids' Crossing
UCAR presents an interactive web learning tool for kids in the classroom to learn about science and weather-specific topics.

NOAA SciJinks
NOAA presents kid-friendly weather topics, answers, and games for an in-the-classroom activity or interactive learning.

Project WET
Interactive water education resources for elementary and middle school students and their teachers.

Science Fair Projects
An abundance of project ideas and lessons plans for teaching STEM in the classroom or at home.

Weather Wiz Kids
Meteorologist Crystal Wicker’s detailed homepage to teach kids about every weather topic, experiment ideas, and “kid zone” learning games.

Web Weather for Kids
A host of weather information, safety tips, and educator resources for teaching weather to young kids.

Young Voices for the Planet
A film series by Lynne Cherry on climate change and empowering youth.

Any Level

AGI Education GeoSource
Thousands of free geoscience education resources from a variety of organizations, from lessons to outreach and teacher professional development, for use in classrooms, scout programs, or at home.

American Statistical Association K-12 Resources
Information about classroom resources, publications in statistics education, guidelines and reports, workshops and webinars for teachers, and student competitions.

Asombro Climate Change Modules
Curriculum to help explore Climate Change impacts on the global water cycle, carbon cycle and agricultural systems for K6-12.

California Education and the Environment Initiative
Providing educators with professional learning and instructional materials that demonstrate how to blend the environment into the teaching of traditional academic subjects like science, history, and English language arts.

Choosing Earth’s Climate Future
Using the video from NOVA, "Decoding the Weather Machine," and climate change data from organizations like NASA, NOAA, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, students will understand how choices made today will affect the extent of global climate change and the impacts felt throughout the world and develop a climate change action plan for their community.

Dr. Ed Hopkins' Homepage 
Listing of sources have been accumulated from preparing the daily national weather summaries for the DataStreme Project.

EDDIE Climate Change Module
Project EDDIE modules are designed with an A-B-C structure to make them flexible and adaptable to a range of student levels and course structures.

Educator’s Bridge
Resources for elementary, middle, and high school science educators.

Free STEM Lessons Based on GPS
An educational curriculum that uses GPS concepts and activities to stimulate student interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

GOES-R Education Proving Ground
Featuring the design and development of pre- and post-launch lesson plans and activities for teachers and students.

Iowa State University Iowa Environmental Mesonet
Collecting environmental data from cooperating members with observing networks. The data are stored and made available on this website.

Learn: Atmospheric Science Explorers
Middle-school-specific modules include background information, hands-on activities using simple materials, and authentic assessment tools for teaching weather in the classroom.

MetEd Educator's Portal
Providing education and training resources to benefit the operational forecaster community, university atmospheric scientists and students, and anyone interested in learning more about meteorology, weather forecasting, and related geoscience topics.

Meteorological Service of Canada Educational Materials
Comprehensive information on the past and present impact of La Niña on the climate of Canada and its effects on the global climate.

Meteorology Education and Training Home Page
Education and training resources to benefit the operational forecaster community, university atmospheric scientists and students.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Education and Outreach
Resources for elementary, middle, and high school students as well as parents, teachers, college students and the public at large.

National Science Education Standards
Coherent vision of what it means to be scientifically literate, describing what all students should understand and be able to do in science.

National Weather Service Virtual School Talks
The NWS National School Outreach team is ready to teach and answer your students weather questions through an online virtual classroom.

NOAA Education Resources
NOAA's portal to weather education.

NOAA in your Backyard
Get connected to NOAA guest speakers, field trips, and professional development in your area.

NOAA's Jetstream - Online School for Weather
Designed to help educators, emergency managers, or anyone interested in learning about weather and weather safety.

NSF Earth and Environment Classroom Resources
Collection of lessons and web resources is aimed at classroom teachers, their students, and students’ families.

Penn State University Weather Links
Selection of weather resources both local to Pennsylvania and national.

Rutgers Weather Center
Current real-time weather information page for weather data, maps, and imagery from Rutgers University's Meteorology program.

The GLOBE Program
Promotes and supports students, teachers and scientists to collaborate on inquiry-based investigations of the environment and the Earth system.

UCAR Teaching Boxes
Dense topic material for middle and high school science educators teaching weather-related coursework with goals and activities.

University of Wisconsin–Madison Satellite Activities to explore the effects that time and spatial resolutions can have when interpreting satellite images

Weather and Climate Resource List
Listing of available resources intended to assist those who teach weather and climate at any level from preschool through introductory college level courses.

Weather Safety Information
Safety tips for earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires.

Windows on the Universe
Earth and space sciences topic information for science educators.

Additional Resources

AGI Career Compass
Career Compass provides options, tips, suggestions, and strategies for how students can obtain critical skills, experiences, and competencies in order to launch their geoscience career.

AGI Geoscience in Your State Factsheets
Highlighting geoscience areas including employment, water, minerals, energy, and hazards in each state.

Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network Climate Literacy Quiz
How's your climate literacy? The explanations beneath each question describes each concept in plain language and links to teaching materials and references. Test your knowledge, and learn as you go.

Earth Science All Around
Virtual Context simulations of various geoscience topics and "how-tos". 

ESRI Mapping Hour
A set of informal 1-hour instructional videos for parents and teachers to integrate ArcGIS skills for K–12 instruction.

Eye of the Storm
12-part video series on hurricane science, mitigation and preparedness.

Lockheed Martin GOES-R Series
Explore the GOES-R satellite series with a wealth of facts, videos, and outreach material.

NOAA Teaching Climate and the Essential Principles of Climate Literacy presents information that is deemed important for individuals and communities to know and understand about Earth’s climate, impacts of climate change, and approaches to adaptation or mitigation.

Ocean Literacy Guide
NOAA presents a vision of an ocean-literate society and a framework for achieving ocean literacy.

States at Risk
A project aimed at showing how Americans in all 50 states are experiencing the impacts of climate change.