Information About Zoom

AMS will be utilizing Zoom for the 101st Annual Meeting. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Zoom Meeting and Zoom Webinar to prepare for the meeting. Zoom Meeting will be used for networking while Zoom Webinar will be used for our live sessions.


Please note: Speakers/Session chairs will not need to download Zoom Webinar if they cannot or do not feel comfortable doing so. They can access the sessions in the Zoom Web Client: zoom web client. Since some are not allowed or do not feel comfortable sharing their screen using zoom, we are having technical support share their screen with the presentations during the live sessions. Speakers and session chairs will only have to unmute/show their webcam.


Zoom Meeting

Attendees can share their own audio and video (if enabled), and can interact with the Speakers, Session Chairs, and other Attendees from the Q&A and chat.


Zoom Webinar

Attendees are view-only participants and their view during a spectator event is controlled by the Host. Attendees can interact with the Host and Panelists from the Q&A and chat.


Speakers and Session Chairs have access to tools that allow them to enhance their participation, such as the ability to respond to chats, answer questions in the Q&A window, the ability to enable Attendees' audio and video privileges upon entry, and to mute/unmute Attendees' audio.


Additional Helpful Resources

Introduction to Zoom

Quick how-to videos

Join a test meeting