Library Administrator Information Page

13 March 2023

Since December 2020, AMS Journals Online content has been hosted on the PubFactory platform. The associated Account Management System (AMX) for institutional subscribers is where library administrators can update contact information, reset the account password, verify and update the approved IP addresses associated with your account (that authenticate your subscription), access COUNTER usage reports, and enable/create SUSHI credentials.


Account Information
The PubFactory AMX maintains all institutional administrator usernames and passwords. Your username in the system is the institutional administrator email address we have on record for your account. The institution’s subscription information is maintained by AMS---this information is not available in the PubFactory AMX. For information on subscription information please contact [email protected].

IP Addresses
Currently active IP addresses are stored on the Access tab in the AMX. These can be updated at any time by logging into the Library Admin account, navigating to the Access tab, and editing the IP addresses as needed.

IP addresses must be provided in IP v4 format only. We do not accept IP subnet masks or IP v6 at this time. Class A IP ranges are also not acceptable.

If inputting a range, numerical digits and a hyphen must be used.
    Incorrect: 63.252.*.*
    Correct: -

Usage Statistics
The PubFactory AMX started recording COUNTER statistics starting on 1 December 2020. Usage reports from that date forward are available to you on the Reports tab by clicking on the green COUNTER 5 Reports button to the right. After clicking on the button, you will be on your institutional reporting dashboard page. To see usage reports for a set of months, the months must all be highlighted and then click the symbol to the far right underneath the calendar to implement the chosen time period. The various COUNTER reports are listed in the left-side column.

To enable/create SUSHI credentials, click on your account name in the upper right after clicking on the green COUNTER 5 Reports button from the Reports tab.

Legacy COUNTER reports generated by our previous host providers (Atypon and Silverchair) are available on the PubFactory AMX. After logging in, click on the Reports tab and look under the Legacy Reports section.

Further Assistance

For further assistance, please contact [email protected].