
Valuable News for the CCM Community

Summer 2021

CCM Newsletter

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headshot of Mark McGinnis

From the Chair


Dear CCM Colleagues,


I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and capable of gathering with family, unlike last summer. I am happy to announce the board has finished with the backlog of oral exams. Since September 2020, the BCCM has performed 26 virtual oral exams. So far in 2021, the BCCM has received 6 new applications. If this pace is maintained, we are looking at our lowest number of applications in 3 years, but that can change quickly.


For health reasons, Charlie Paxton informed the board of his need to resign from the Chair Elect. This was not an easy decision for Charlie, but the right decision for him. Charlie will remain on the board to finish his term in 2022 and remain a vital member as can be seen by his work below. Tom Bellinger was nominated for Chair Elect, in our Q2 meeting. His nomination was seconded, and a vote was unanimously affirmative. Tom is Chair Elect through January 2022 and will assume the Chair at the Annual Meeting.


A subcommittee of Charlie Paxton, Kathryn Prociv, and Tom Bellinger has reviewed applications for the Henry T. Harrison Award and made a recommendation supported by the board. That recommendation was forwarded to the AMS Commissioner on Professional Affairs in May. The recipient is announced Fall 2021.


We are in the process of improving rubrics for the most common questions in the written exam. This work has been spearheaded by Charlie Paxton, Tom Bellinger, and Sam Miller. The goal is to improve consistency in grading and assisting graders and we plan on having a final vote to adopt in July.


The BCCM has a student intern. Olivia Cahill is a post graduate student from the University of Georgia. She will assist the board with social media posts and attend meetings. I am not sure, but she may be the first student intern for the BCCM. More experienced CCMs, please let me know if that is, or is not the case. Either way, I and the board want to welcome Olivia. I, also, want to thank David Moran for taking time to find the right candidate for us.


If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached by . If you are interested in serving on the board, in the future, please email myself or Chair-elect Tom Bellinger. Enjoy your summer!


Mark McGinnis (CCM #722)

Chair, Board of Certified Consulting Meteorologists

American Meteorological Society

image collage with headshots for presenters Gina Eosco, Jen Ives, Claudia Gorski, and Jenn Rosen

AMS Annual Meeting: An Overview

Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 2:00pm Eastern Time


Join the Annual Meeting Overall Program Committee Members as they interview AMS Meetings Staff about the logistics and planning for the 102nd Annual Meeting. This Annual Meeting webinar is the first in a monthly series and will provide those interested in attending an overview of the meeting. The webinar will also provide participants the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.


Is there a short course proposal in your future?


laptop on desk next to leather bound journal with embossed nautical compass

Credit: Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

Have you considered a topic in your field that would benefit from new learners? Have you already thought of an agenda for what would be taught? You might be a future short course instructor.


Prior course topics include machine learning, Python, consulting meteorology, forensic meteorology, catastrophe modeling, and artificial intelligence applications, to name a few.


Short courses can now take place outside of an AMS annual meeting and in a virtual space. With three months of lead time beginning with the submission of a proposal, you can bring your audience together.


You would be providing a professional development opportunity for others (1 point for their successful completion of the activity, if more than 4 hours) and for yourself and other instructors (3 points to lead or co-lead the activity, if more than 2 hours).


Is it always the right outlook to check on your professional development?


tiny figure stands at rocky summit overlooking vast green mountains

Credit: David Marcu on Unsplash


The five-year period for your professional development portfolio may feel like a less-than-occasional task, but it never hurts to check in with the . You might rediscover an old activity that is worth revisiting in the present or reflect on how each of the past years has given you unique opportunities.


While you're at it, scroll through the and find something else you've accomplished or something new to pursue.


New CCMs


CCM logo


Congratulations to the following individuals who completed all requirements for certification and were added to the roll of AMS's active CCMs:


Michael Augustyniak #768

Scott Landolt #769

Christine Standohar-Alfano #770

Patrick Hyland #771

Brandt Maxwell #772

Todd Flanagan #773


Upcoming Meetings


Please see information on .


21–23 September 2021, Virtual Meeting


23–27 January 2022, Houston, TX


8–12 February 2022, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand/Aotearoa


9–13 May 2022, New Orleans, LA


14–17 June 2022, Milwaukee, WI


27 June–1 July 2022, Park City, UT


11–15 July 2022, Šibenik, Croatia


24–28 October 2022, Santa Fe, NM


27 August–1 September 2023, Minneapolis, MN

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Please join the if you haven’t already! The group is accessible and open only to CCMs. Follow the link anove and click "Request to join." LinkedIn is an easy way for CCMs to communicate with each other and to keep abreast of news, developments, and items of interest.

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Please “like” the CCM Facebook page! The page is for all CCMs, colleagues, and the general public. Find it in Facebook by searching for the page.

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For all CCMs, colleagues, and the general public, we also have a Twitter account. If you are on Twitter, please follow the handle and use it to promote your activities and events.

Thank you to all of our contributors for this issue


We encourage you to share your experiences, views, findings, or studies for the next newsletter. E-mail your articles to and . This newsletter as well as past issues are available .


The Fall 2021 newsletter submission deadline is September 15, 2021.


American Meteorological Society


45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA, 02108-3693



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