Oral Presenter Information

We encourage all authors to reference the AMS Abstract Authors and Presenters page for general information about presenting at at AMS meeting as well as the information below.

We strongly encourage oral presenters to upload  presentation files online in Presenter’s Corner before the meeting. To do so:

1. Go to https://ams.confex.com/ams/extra.cgi by 15 June

2. Enter ID and Password

3. Click on “presentation upload”

4. Browse to  .pdf and click “upload .pdf”

If you do not upload your presentation by 15 June, please bring the file with you in an acceptable format (for complete listing, please see the AMS Abstract Authors and Presenters page).

Also, please remember to register for the conference if you have not done so already. Please note that the $95 abstract fee you have already paid does NOT include registration for the conference.